Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Notes From A Camper: Crystal '09

Crystal - a 1st time GOTO NY Scholar - just returned home from Appel Farm on Sunday and she couldn't wait to share her experiences with (and to thank) the GOTO faithful. Here's what she had to say ...

Thanks for the scholarship I'm really grateful for that! I had a blast making new friends and performing for everybody! I felt accepted by the first to the second night. Everyone is awesome over there! As you should know i went on the first session June 26- July 24.

My major was voice, my minors were piano and swimming and I had a great time doing it all. In my major I learned a lot of songs and I had fun, my performance in swimming has improved and in piano I learned a lot, a lot!

It was very hard to say goodbye. Everybody was crying I felt very sad but I just couldn't cry, but it's okay at least I get to keep in touch with my friends! I'll name some of my friends: Aron, Sarah, Ella, Audrey, Alyssa, Clare, Glendon, Christian, Josh, Josh P., Josh C., Marco, Jonathan, Brett, Aloria, Sammy, Cyan, Emma, Ahmira, Theresa, Alex, Dana, Jasmine, Maysa, Marialle, Sean, Tommy, Kyle, Katy, Shannon, Peter, Anna, Natalia, etc.

Again thanks for providing me with this great experience, I'll forever be grateful!!!



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