Thursday, April 7, 2011

GOTO Alumni Volunteer Profile: Nancy Kim


1) How did you first hear about GOTO?

A friend invited me to attend a GOTO summer event – it was aboard the Peking at the South Street Seaport. Not only was it an amazing event and it allowed me to meet new friends, I was pleased to learn more about a wonderful charity – GOTO – from its volunteers at that time. Music and art have always played important roles during my childhood. I wanted to become GOTO volunteer after my first GOTO event!

2) What were your roles while you were a GOTO volunteer?

I volunteered for both the Events and Mentoring Committees and eventually chaired the Mentoring Committee. I assisted in scouting vendors, donors and venues for the events. I also recruited GOTO volunteers to be mentors and paired them with GOTO scholars and organized bonding and mentoring activities for the group. I enjoyed these experiences immensely and I felt a stronger connection to GOTO’s overall purpose and the scholars.

3) What have you been up to since joining GOTO’s alumni?

I’ve attended GOTO events when I can and have worked with companies and other contacts on providing sponsorships and donations for GOTO. And I spread the good GOTO word to young professionals living in New York and the Boston area, encouraging people to attend the events and to volunteer their time.

4) What was your favorite GOTO moment?

Hard to pick…but I would have to say the road trip to Appel Farms! There’s something magical about having the opportunity to visit the scholarship recipients at camp and seeing their talents first hand: AJ Giron’s dramatic soliloquy; Omar Garcia’s intricate metal sculpture; Elizabeth Cooney’s vocal solo; and Ray Bargallo’s designs. Bravo!

5) Where do you see GOTO twenty years from now?

I see GOTO growing to several additional cities including Chicago (my hometown!) and I envision an ever expanding network of GOTO volunteers and scholars continuing GOTO’s mission to provide scholarships to talented youth.

BONUS QUESTION: If GOTO sent you to Arts & Music Summer Camp, what would be your major?

Photography! I love capturing that special moment and enjoy looking at the pictures afterwards.