Monday, July 27, 2009

Introducing GOTO New York’s Class of ‘09

Appel Farm's 2nd session of camp began yesterday. And given that most of our New York scholarship recipients attend the August session (there are fewer school conflicts than with the earlier session), we thought that now would be a good time to introduce our new class of kids. Either that or we forgot to post it sooner. So without any further ado ...

Sinaya attends PS 72 in Brooklyn, NY. A budding modern dancer, Sinya looks forward to learning ballet, jazz, tap and folk styles at camp.

Jade is a student at PS/IS 73 in Brooklyn where she impresses her teachers with the sophistication of her painting, drawing and sculpting.

Christian attends Mott Hall II in Manhattan. He is passionate about photography and capturing moments on film.

Kayla is from PS 175 in the Bronx. She sings in the chorus and enjoys harmonizing in groups.

Malik is an artist inspired by both nature and comics. A student at PS/IS 73 in Brooklyn, Malik creates his own original comic books by drawing characters from his favorite strips and placing them in his own stories.

Blessing is a student at MS 144 in the Bronx. A recent African emigrant, Blessing has had to learn to communicate in a new language. She sees the visual arts as a universal language and looks forward to expanding her ability to express herself creatively.

Crystal attends TASS Middle School in Manhattan. Her teachers describe her voice as "amazing" and Crystal hopes to compliment her vocal talents by learning piano.

Alexander attends PS 175 in the Bronx. His mother describes him as a shy artist who will benefit from learning amongst like-minded students.

Kwaku is a student at Mott Hall II in Manhattan. He is passionate about music and hopes to study film at camp in order to create music videos.

Jenzia is Bronx resident and student at The Center School in Manhattan. A singer, Jenzia plans to expand her vocal talents at camp.

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