Monday, August 10, 2009

Report from Appel Farm: Rachael Bralow (Bunk 1 Counselor and Acting Instructor)

"Bunk 1 was quite the exciting place this summer, and Vanessa Wilson and Clyde Ilagan (both GOTO scholars) greatly contribute to the team morale. They both worked hard in their majors and minors and both girls kept the rest of the bunk on their toes, always ready to play a new game or lead the bunk in a new adventure.

Vanessa (photo on left) is a beautiful dancer. On July 11th, she got the chance to perform with both her dance majors and her music video dance minor in the mini-session showcase. She especially liked
the Michael Jackson tribute dance that her major did.

She also worked really hard in her swim minor and made great improvements in the pool. Besides swimming every day during Minor 1, she could be found swimming away at the pool during free time. During performance week, she performed in a toy box theme dance show she shined once more!

Clyde (photo directly below) also worked really hard in the ceramics studio during majors. She finished glazing and firing in the knick of time for her arts exhibition.

Clyde said that she made all of her pieces for her grandmother, which includes plates, a cup, a portrait of herself and some ceramic cookies! Clyde also got to exercise her inner rocker chick through her rock band where she played the drums.

Having both girls in my bunk was great, and I have missed having them this session!

Thanks, GOTO!"

Below is their Bunk's photo from First session. Clyde majored in ceramics and minored in dance for musical theater and the drums and Vanessa majored in dance and then minored in another dance class focussing on working with the video kids to create music videos and also minored in swimming.

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